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Call me arif/arip/ayep.aRbAk. Electrical Student.20 Years Old.Newbies in blogging.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Differences Between Secondary School Student and University Student

My first topic in this blog I like to write about differences between secondary school student and university student. The most differences things between school student and university student is uniform. In secondary school the student have to wear same uniform as other school. The boys and girls would have to wear formal school attire. University student free to wear anything as long its nice. On Monday, the boys would have to wear a formal office like attire and the girls would have to wear "baju kurung". On other day, the student just have to wear smart casual that's nice. That the different in uniform between secondary school and university.

Second, the differences between secondary school student and university is teachings and lessons. Secondary school student was teach by the teacher. Teacher will give student notes and execises. In unversity, student was teach by different lecturer. Lecturer just teach a simple basic knowledge and others student have to make their own research. Teachers in secondary school teaching using whiteboard or blackboard. But in university, the lecturer was teaching using projector or slideshow. The classes also different between secondary school and university. Class in secondary school just simple that have fans, lamps, chairs, tables and others. In university, the classes have air-conditioning and the chair and table were combine. The space was very large.

Timetable in secondary school and university also different. In secondary school , the timetable are compact than university timetable. The time lessons are from 7.00 a.m. till 2.15 p.m. But in university's class period are not fixed. Secondary school student have their own classes and class teacher. Student just have to wait in class while teacher coming to the class for teaching. University's student have to move to other class for another subject. Their class are not permanent. Sometimes the student have classes on noon or night.

For the secondary boarding school, the college not far from the classes. It is easier the student to go class. In university, the college was far from the class. For part 1 student, they have to walk from the college to the class because they not allowed to ride motorcycle or car but bicycle can.
With the weather that always hot its make the student sweats. Secondary boarding school student live in dorm that placed 12 to 20 person. Every morning, if student wake up late they have to que up for wait their turn in bathroom because the bathroom is limited. University student live in room that placed 2 to 4 person per room. The bathroom is many and the student don't have to rush up.

That's all the differences between secondary school student and university student that commonly have big differences. Wether secondary school or university it is same as you think. You make the difference between secondary school and university.

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